The newest addition to ROBLOX's services has opened! There, you can buy any clothing or accessories like pillows that you would like. The things for sale are all meant to, "embody an aspect of ROBLOX that makes it so fun". With the opening of the new online store, they've announced a ROBLOX Shirt Design Contest.
Currently, they are accepting entries in one of three categories:
1. ROBLOX Brand - Powering Imagination
Shirts under this category should look at ROBLOX as a whole and include the words "powering imagination" in the design.
2. #JustROBLOXThings
A lot of things are unique to ROBLOX games (Guest Invasions, exploding cakes, etc.) Shirts in this category should show off something unique and funny about ROBLOX.
3. Specific ROBLOX Game
This category is for game creators who want to make shirts specifically for the games they have made.
Read more about the rules and rewards for entering and winning the contest here.
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